Our Business Culture and Guiding Prinples

Championing excellence, sustainability, and ethical practices in business culture.

Quality Policy

Guarantee product and service quality to establish and maintain customer confidence.

Observe Regulations

Compliance with local and international environmental regulations.

Reduce Scraps

Implementing processes to minimize waste and enhance efficiency.

Use Resources

Optimizing the use of natural resources and promoting sustainability.

All staff involved

Engaging and empowering all employees to contribute to environmental initiatives.

Improve Environment

Implementing initiatives to enhance and protect the environment.

Protecting Environment

Commitment to safeguarding the environment through responsible practices.

8 Quality Management Principles

As stated in ISO 9000 adn ISO 9004

• Customer-Oriented System

Focusing on customer satisfaction and exceeding expectations.

• Leadership and Governance

Establishing strong leadership, governance, and achieving organizational objectives.

• Staff Participation

Encouraging staff involvement for organizational benefits.

• Process Approach

Adopting a systematic approach to process management.

• System Management

Strengthening system management between processes.

• Fact-Based Decision Making

Making important decisions based on facts, research, and analysis.

• Continual Improvement

Continuously improving product quality, processes, and the quality management system.

• Supplier Relationships

Strengthening relationships with suppliers to create maximum profits for both.

Implement 3Q for Medical Device

Implementing 3Q principles can help medical device companies ensure safety and reliability of their products, while also ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. 

Installation Qualification

Verification of proper installation.

Operational Qualification

Verification of operational performance.

Performance Qualification

Verification of consistent performance.

Social Responsibility

Yomura embraces social responsibility to contribute positively to the community and environment.

Employee Well-being

Ensuring safe working conditions and respect for employees.

Environmental Ethics

Conducting operations responsibly and ethically.mless communication.

ISO 14064

Guides organizations in accurately reporting greenhouse gas emissions, reducing environmental impact, and demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.

Our Commitment

Delivering value while impacting communities and the environment positively.

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